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The curriculum is built around interdisciplinary problems—knife crime, childhood obesity, palm oil in supply chains, plastic pollution—as well as quantitative and qualitative research skills.


The index considers more than 30 qualitative and quantitative factors spanning five broad categories, weighted as follows: stability (25%), healthcare (20%), culture and environment (25%), education (10%), and infrastructure (20%).


These central banks have also substantially expanded their balance sheets through quantitative easing or, in the case of the Bank of Japan, "quantitative and qualitative easing" (which includes lengthening of the maturity of the assets it buys).


Those that do choose a degree in public policy after studying maths and science often struggle with qualitative courses.


The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) ranked the country first in its latest quality-of-death index, which uses 20 quantitative and qualitative indicators to measure the effectiveness of end-of-life care in 80 countries.


The school motto, which created myriad outstanding 'Aletheia man', included piety, qualitative solid, diligence, service, science, health, and forward.

企业为何倒闭 深挖解密原因

Difficulties usually develop from qualitative matters, such as an inappropriate product offering or faulty facilities, which then translate into financial pressures.

通缩也许并不可怕 风险与机遇并存

For one, there is no qualitative difference between an economy in which prices are rising slightly and one in which prices are falling slightly.


But I did find that the longer couples were together, the more likely they were to pool their money, and I do think, based on my quantitative and qualitative look at these couples, that if you have children, keeping money entirely separate will lead to a lot of unnecessary stress.


People who enjoy enough food and a better place to live will then take an interest in these qualitative aspects.

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