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He found another vent for his rage by snatching up Rosamond's words again, as if they were reptiles to be throttled and flung off.


The figures for NSW include birds, reptiles, and mammals, except bats.


Populations of mammals, birds, reptiles , amphibians and fish have fallen off a cliff – dropping by 60 per cent in just over 40 years.

研究发现 世界上大多数海龟都吃过塑料

The analysis of 1,000 sea turtles by Australia's peak scientific body, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), found that 52 percent of the reptiles have eaten plastic.


Biosecurity operations manager Ali Meade told national news outlet Newshub: "There's cats getting into the native bush, they're preying on native birds, they're taking insects, they're taking reptiles, all sorts of things.

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Snake farmers sell more than 3 million snakes a year to pharmaceutical companies who use the gall bladders, livers and skins from the reptiles to create nutritional supplements that are ultimately sold to customers in Japan, South Korea, the US and Europe.


More than 30 percent of animals with a backbone - fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals - are declining in both range and population, according to the first comprehensive analysis of these trends.


More than 30% of animals with a backbone - fish, birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals - are declining in both range and population, according to the first comprehensive analysis of these trends.


The slippery reptiles, which belong to Chunyi Breeding Cooperative in the suburban Liuhe district in Nanjing, broke free on August 26.


Reptiles don't have the brain structures for it but all mammals are ripe for music.


Egg-layers like amphibians, reptiles, and insects flourished.


Australia – box jelly fish, saltwater crocodile, Sydney funnel web, taipan snake - 、、、 Saltwater crocodiles are the largest living reptiles on the planet - some reaching over 20 feet in length.


In the cold months, when the reptiles hid, she subsisted on an Aboriginal standby, witchetty grubs — white, caterpillar-size moth larvae that live in the roots of Mulga trees.

李白: 蜀道难

There are ravenous tigers to fear in the day And venomous reptiles in the night With their teeth and their fangs ready To cut people down like hemp.


Unlike mammals and birds, reptiles are unable to experience slow wave sleep, the type of sleep believed to be responsible for boosting memories, especially those connected to performing new tasks.


Today, it houses a natural history museum with lots of insects, invertebrates, British mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish.

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Compounding the problem is the widespread belief in the snakes' divine powers, and a religious prohibition on harming the deadly reptiles.

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