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The savory flatbread starts with soft, yeasted dough that's pinched into a boat-shaped cradle, then baked with a generous filling of egg and cheese.


Its signature flavor derives from a thick and savory peanut sauce.


" As a nod to this new kind of customer, a large part of the shop is now dedicated to a kind of tofu pudding topping bar, with sweet and savory options.


Last month, Gourmet Grubb also opened a concept popup store, which included savory insect dishes such as insect powder pasta, chickpea black-larvae croquettes and mopani worm hummus, to serve alongside its ice cream.

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MSG is a flavor enhancer that turns up the savory and meaty taste known as "umami", which is the fifth basic taste alongside sweet, sour, bitter, and salty, and can be found in foods like mushrooms, anchovies, and aged cheeses.


Pastries, either savory or sweet, are also widespread in Indonesia: ,.


) The next day, I made delicious salmon in my Instant Pot using Melissa Clark's recipe for a savory caramel.


So scientifically, fruits don't have to be sweet, but in the kitchen, most people would classify the fruits that fall on the savory side, like tomatoes, as vegetables.

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Magister Illyrio was a dealer in spices, gemstones, dragonbone, and other, less savory things.


It said savory flavors were most popular among Chinese consumers in 2017, as they were favored by 23.


The pancake was depicted as "deliciously crisp, doughy and very savory" in a BBC documentary broadcast earlier this year.


Pistachios: If you like your snacks on the savory side, try reaching for some pistachios before bed.


Er kuai spicy chicken, Yunnan , This dish is little known outside of Yunnan province but Chinese foodies rave about er kuai, a savory rice cake made of glutinous rice paste that is steamed and then cut into small cubes and stir fried with fresh chili peppers and tender morsels of deep fried chicken.


Hungarians have the less savory kukac ("worm" or "maggot"), Italians the slightly more palatable chiocciola ("snail"), while – two personal favourites – Kazakhs see a айқұлақ ("moon's ear") and some Germans a klammeraffe ("spider monkey"  – or, more precisely, "cling monkey").


Tofu has a subtle flavor and can be used in savory and sweet dishes.


Depending on what else you are cooking, add the savory leftovers to a pot of beans, cooked grains, or even sautéed greens.


The streets hold more than 100 varieties of street snacks, from savory jelly noodles to "dragon lifting a hand" (poached wontons drizzled in toasty chili oil, pepper corns and green onion).


A man tossed 10 two-bite sticks of meat over glowing coals and whipped together a rich, surprisingly savory peanut sauce for me on the spot for 20,000 rupiah.


The fillings can be sweet or savory, or both, such as fruit and duck egg yolks.

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