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And then she, too, scrambled down the roundabout slippery path among roots and moss till she stepped out between two dogwood trees and joined the others on the line.


But Bobbie felt that for once she was the one who was right, and she scrambled down the rocky slope with a really happy feeling.


" After a moment's hesitation, Strickland scrambled to his feet, and together they went to the Bouchée de Pain, where the hungry are given a wedge of bread, which they must eat there and then, for it is forbidden to take it away; and then to the Cuillère de Soupe, where for a week, at eleven and four, you may get a bowl of thin, salt soup.


The startled Toad scrambled to his feet and scampered off down the road as hard as he could; and as he ran he heard the ferret laughing and other horrid thin little laughs taking it up and carrying on the sound.


" Toad eagerly scrambled into the seat vacated by the driver, took the steering-wheel in his hands, listened with affected humility to the instructions given him, and set the car in motion, but very slowly and carefully at first, for he was determined to be prudent.


" The Toad's misery turned into rapture as he eagerly scrambled up into the cab of the engine.


Then, laughing heartily, he dressed as quickly as possible in the smartest suit he could lay hands on at the moment, filled his pockets with cash which he took from a small drawer in the dressing-table, and next, knotting the sheets from his bed together and tying one end of the improvised rope round the central mullion of the handsome Tudor window which formed such a feature of his bedroom, he scrambled out, slid lightly to the ground, and, taking the opposite direction to the Rat, marched off


The Rat, much excited, kept close to his heels as the Mole, with something of the air of a sleep-walker, crossed a dry ditch, scrambled through a hedge, and nosed his way over a field open and trackless and bare in the faint starlight.


He scrambled into it quickly, while the tailor stood by with a worried look upon his face.

迷人四月天:Chapter 5

Wilkins scrambled down the ladder-like high steps of their carriage into the black downpour, their skirts sweeping off great pools of sooty wet because their hands were full of suit-cases, if it had not been for the vigilance of Domenico, the gardener at San Salvatore, they would have found nothing for them to drive in.


But mine was answered, for the flat bumped right into a pile for a minute and I flung the scarf and the shawl over my shoulder and scrambled up on a big providential stub.


The lad fled on the instant, scrambled up the high board-fence, and disappeared over it.


The eunuchs practiced graft and accepted bribes, sold and bought positions and scrambled for the rights and interests, which deepened the social crisis.


Royster says "every drawer" in her house had been searched through, and Love made himself scrambled eggs, took a bath, shaved and brushed his teeth.


,,: Hu Jinghui, former deputy chief of real estate agency 5i5j, said apartment rental platform operators, such as Ziroom and Danke, have scrambled for rental properties from owners at prices 20 to 40 percent higher than normal market prices, which drove up the rental prices.


I'd mix ketchup into rice (an admittedly weird choice), enjoy it alongside scrambled eggs, and add it to sandwiches.


Go a step further by chopping and cooking veggies and a protein (like a roast chicken or scrambled eggs).


I've eaten the same breakfast every morning for five years: 6 whites and 2 yolks with some avocado and veggies, all scrambled together.


But once they arrive scrambled on a plate, perhaps, or baked into a cake, it's tough to tell the difference.

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