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绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 33

The stout lady occasionally turned her head squarely around and surveyed Anne through her eyeglasses until Anne, acutely sensitive of being so scrutinized, felt that she must scream aloud; and the white-lace girl kept talking audibly to her next neighbor about the "country bumpkins" and "rustic belles" in the audience, languidly anticipating "such fun" from the displays of local talent on the program.

乔布斯传 第123期:像保时捷那样(7)

One of the most extreme—and telling—implementations of that , philosophy came when he scrutinized the printed circuit board .


It may also yield a less scrutinized freshman-year experience for Malia, whose parents have worked vigilantly to keep her out of the public eye during her years in the White House and hope to shield her from such attention as a college student.


It's tough that everything you do isclosely scrutinized by the market.


But those who scrutinized the various allegations against Mr.


" "Your love who loves you not" "If you love me not, never mind Later you shall, when a fine figure I cut" She jumped onto a leaf holding a walnut in her mouth He was somewhat embarrassed to give his father a walnut while his brothers brought spun hemp He nevertheless took heart and presented the king with the walnut The king, who had already scrutinized the handiwork of the baker and the weaver girls, cracked open the walnut as the older brothers looked on, snickering Out came cloth as

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