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Rather than sift through everything, archive it all.

Companionship of Books 以书为伴

The only effect of time has been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive but what is really good.


Russia and China have lots of well-informed people who can sift English documents looking for intelligence, says Adam Segal, author of The Hacked World Order.


Linklaters has developed Verifi, a computer programme that can sift through 14 UK and European regulatory registers to check client names for banks.


The software, hardware, and algorithms that sift all this information are getting cheaper, smaller, and faster.


The only effect of time have been to sift out the bad products; for nothing in literature can long survive e but what is really good.

澳夫妇体验生活 一年来不花分文

They have five ducks that provide them with fresh eggs, but when supplies go low, they have to go sift through dumpsters for discarded vegetables, fruit, and bread.


But their algorithms sift through data that can include a person's social-network connections, web-browsing habits, how they fill out online forms and their online purchases.


By acknowledging your fears and pain, you'll be able to sift through the feelings while coping with the practical realities.


As the escorts are beginning to take leave,a young man brings out a sift and begins"sifting shoes".

刘眘虚: 阙题

My quiet gate is a mountain-trail, And the willow-trees about my cottage Sift on my sleeve, through the shadowy noon, Distillations of the sun.


【7】Then there's the rich smorgasbord of modern life—so much information to sift through, so many products beckoning.

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