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All leftover playlists will do is smear heartbreaking meaning and nostalgia over songs you'd otherwise enjoy.


Facebook's actions, reported by the New York Times, included contracting with Definers, a Republican-leaning consultancy, which attempted to smear competitors and opponents on its behalf.


Meanwhile, mash the avocado in a bowl and then smear over top of the toast.


A third (me) has grey showing on the roots of my hair and a smear of icing sugar on my leg.


When you came inside flushed with the sun, Your mouth sulky with sugar, In your new dress with the ribbon And the ice-cream smear, And said to yourself in the bathroom, I am not the favorite child.


Google has even developed a special technique to deal with what it refers to as a "leap smear" and has been gradually adding milliseconds to its system clocks prior to the official arrival of the leap second.


A smear of dark, sweet wheat sauce is followed by a sprinkling of fresh chilli and green onions.

格林童话英文版:Frederick and Catherine

" Said Frederick, "You should not have done that, Catherine, to smear the butter on the road, and let the cheeses run down the hill!

The First Day of Middle School

I had also heard that when eighth-grade girls catch a new seventh-grader in the girls' bathroom alone, they smear her with lipstick.

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