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Marilla had a sneaking interest in politics herself, and as she thought it might be her only chance to see a real live Premier, she promptly took it, leaving Anne and Matthew to keep house until her return the following day.


First one and then another pair of eyes followed the minister's, and then almost with one impulse the congregation rose and stared while the three dead boys came marching up the aisle, Tom in the lead, Joe next, and Huck, a ruin of drooping rags, sneaking sheepishly in the rear!


The black men get most of their animals by sneaking up behind them while they are not looking.


The big monkey carrying Gub-Gub was coming along behind slowly, and he saw the Captain of the army sneaking through the trees.


Of course, there's the major perk that sneaking in those steps helps you shed unwanted weight; one Canadian study found that an hour-long brisk walk every day reduced belly fat in women by 20% over 14 weeks.


Of course, there's the major perk that sneaking in those steps helps you shed unwanted weight; one Canadian study found that an hour-long brisk walk every day reduced belly fat in women by 20% over 14 weeks.

丹麦摄影师攀爬大金字塔并拍下裸照 惹怒当局

A photographer said he and a friend had spent several hours "sneaking around" before making the climb.


Despite having control over its Internet and press, the Chinese government has had enduring problems with military enthusiasts sneaking pictures of new ships and aircraft under development or construction.


How to Identify Them: Look for these socially inept types eating alone at the cafeteria, sitting in the back of the room at the training and sneaking away early at office parties.


I asked, as I think anyone would have, why Reepicheep was sneaking about the water cask in the middle of the night.


It Can Help You Have Healthier Eating Habits Studies from Berkeley have shown that lack of sleep can lead to junk food cravings, so sneaking in that extra hour of rest can help keep your body craving the right nutrients it needs.


It Can Help You Have Healthier Eating Habits Studies from Berkeley have shown that lack of sleep can lead to junk food cravings, so sneaking in that extra hour of rest can help keep your body craving the right nutrients it needs.

韩国肥皂剧 防不胜防的特洛伊木马

" The decidedly lowbrow dramas — with names like "Bad Housewife" and "Red Bean Bread" — have, in fact, become something of a cultural Trojan horse, sneaking visions of the bustling South into the tightly controlled, impoverished North alongside the usual sudsy fare of betrayals, bouts of ill-timed amnesia and, at least once, a love affair with an alien.


There's no point having the heat up high while the wind's blowing in under the door or sneaking in through the window.

英语名人名言:Acting 行为

In television, you are sort of sneaking into people's homes.

格林童话英文版:The Drummer

The maiden departed, and the old woman came sneaking up to him.

格林童话英文版:Strong Hans

Be off, you sneaking imp, he answered, you need no meat.

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweeper

"They are sneaking away!

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