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" She took a candle into another large parlor, where there was no fire, and setting down the feeble light on the dark mahogany table, turned round to her father, and putting her arms round his neck kissed him with childish kisses which he delighted in,—the expression of his large brows softening as the expression of a great beautiful dog softens when it is caressed.


If you're nursing a drink for hours and the pasta eventually softens, you can choose to eat it (the raw straw is also edible, and Gelmann says that some people snack on them).


A citrusy vinaigrette brings the elements together; using Meyer lemon softens the acidic edge just a bit yet still offsets the bitter greens.


Dina Glouberman's voice softens as she remembers some of the most challenging moments of her life.


But news of the sale puts an end to its plans, at a time when the residential property market in New York, as in other financial capitals, softens.

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A silk blouse with a burgundy leather skirt softens the outfit.

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And according to lore, it also "gets the blood flowing" and softens cold hearts, metaphorically, at least.

伊索寓言:The Fox and the Lion

Acquaintance softens prejudices.

安徒生童话英文版:A Story from the Sand-Hills

He had drunk the bitter goblet of love which softens or hardens the heart, according to circumstances.

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