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But the duckling thought they were going to ill use him and rushed in and he frightened to the milk-pan, and the milk spurted out all over the room.


" she asked "I was fishing for octopi," explained Samphire "I was kidnapped by a huge octopus, whose prisoner I now am," said the king's daughter "Flee before it returns But note that for three hours a day it changes into a red mullet and can be caught But your have to kill the mullet at once, or it will change into a sea gull and fly away" Samphire Starboard hid his boat and waited out of sight on the reef From the sea emerged the octopus, which was so large that it could reach clear a


On the day when Madam Pang came back home, spring water spurted in the courtyard suddenly and its taste was similar to that of the Yangtze River water.

安徒生童话英文版:Sunshine Stories

"The second boy ran out on the meadow, where the flowers stood,—flowers of all imaginable colors; he gathered a handful, and squeezed them so tight that all the juice spurted into his eyes, and some of it wetted the ring.

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

Colored lamps surrounded little lakes, in which were water-plants of colored metal, from whose flowers jets of water spurted up.

安徒生童话英文版:Ole the Tower Keeper-Third Visit

He had his lord high constable executed, and he could execute him, right or wrong; but he had the innocent children of the constable, one seven and the other eight years old, placed under the scaffold so that the warm blood of their father spurted over them, and then he had them sent to the Bastille, and shut up in iron cages, where not even a coverlet was given them to protect them from the cold.

安徒生童话英文版:Jack the Dullard

" But she only said this to frighten Jack the Dullard; and the clerks gave a great crow of delight, and each one spurted a blot out of his pen on to the floor.

安徒生童话英文版-17 The Garden of Paradise

The harpoon was flung into the breast of the walrus, so that a smoking stream of blood spurted forth like a fountain, and besprinkled the ice.

安徒生童话-13 The Goloshes of Fortune-The Clerk’s Transformation

The water-drops spurted up among the green twigs, and the clerk thought of the millions of animalculae which were thrown into the air with every drop of water, at a height which must be the same to them as it would be to us if we were hurled beyond the clouds.

安徒生童话英文版-11 The Little Mermaid

Great suns spurted fire about, splendid fireflies flew into the blue air, and everything was reflected in the clear, calm sea beneath.

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