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"Yes," said the Porter, "I knowed a young gent as used to take down the numbers of every single one he seed; in a green note-book with silver corners it was, owing to his father being very well-to-do in the wholesale stationery.


Hand write it on beautiful stationery, and it becomes a meaningful token, sometimes treasured for years afterward.

双语故事:相助 The Help

I tell you, I am so burned up at her—tore up my good stationery into five thousand pieces and I've got fifteen thank-you notes for the Junior League to do…" ",·,.


Finally as I wend my way up the incline I console myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationery exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free.


Mr Aldridge said: "It is without doubt one of the finest Titanic-related letters, written by one of the liner's most senior officers on Olympic stationery.


"The basic idea is that the theme needs to be boring, but the content shouldn't be," explained Ward, who works in marketing and has also written a book called Adventures in Stationery: A Journey Through Your Pencil Case.


Finally as I wend my way up the incline I console myself with the thought of all those silly people who pay money to go to a gym and sit on stationery exercise bicycles when I can get the same value for free.


The manuscript is at the Morgan, scrawled in pencil on Red Cross stationery.


This gives you lots of options like walking, swimming and stationery biking.

相助 The Help

I tell you, I am so burned up at her—tore up my good stationery into five thousand pieces and I've got fifteen thank-you notes for the Junior League to do…" ",·,.


Selecting the stamp means the child will be an officer in the future; if he or she chooses the stationery first,the baby will be industrious and endowed with great literary talents; the abacus suggests a penchant for statistics and financing.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(103)

Checked the address on the piece of stationery paper in my palm.


Focus on meeting your customer needs first, and fancy stationery later.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(87)

A small man with a birdlike face and fluffy hair, he read a lengthy poem dedicated to Soraya, jotted down on hotel stationery paper.


—(11,875,7) — a letter signed by Mary Todd Lincoln on her personal mourning stationery, for $10,625.


I tell you, I am so burned up at her—tore up my good stationery into five thousand pieces and I've got fifteen thank-you notes for the Junior League to do…" ",·,.

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