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Rafflesia arnoldii AKA, the Stinking Corpse Lily!


In 2015, the BBC's  Billion Dollar Chicken Shop documentary filmed tens of thousands of chickens being squeezed together in dark sheds, stinking with ammonia.

中国的厕所革命 从马桶开始

The train loos stopped stinking.


I'm stinking rich.


" The king would only say, "I warn you that you'll lose your head if you come back to me without her" The youth went to the pier and watched the ships sail away He had no idea how to reach the princess's island An old sailor with a beard down to his knees approached him and said, "Ask for a ship with three decks" The youth went to the king and had a ship with three decks rigged When it was in port and ready to weigh anchor, the old sailor reappeared "Now have one deck loaded with cheese


It may not be the most glamorous of archaeological finds, but the discovery of 700-year-old stinking toilets has got experts excited.

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