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It was not only, as it had been hitherto, that she was not supremely occupied with him, but that she had seen him under circumstances in which he might appear not to be supremely occupied with her.


It has made my mother supremely happy.


1k@Barnard Law Collier: Smart people are quiet because they are smart, very smart, and supremely smart.


Dogs are supremely loyal to their masters.

美文赏析:To be or not to be

What is supremely true of living objects is only less true of ideas, which are also alive.


Smart people are quiet because they are smart, very smart, and supremely smart.

To Be or Not to Be 生存还是毁灭

What is supremely true of living objects is only less true of ideas, which are also alive.


Running is the kind of thing where you put in the time and expect to see results, and let me be the first to tell you: It is supremely discouraging when you don't.

万物简史 第7期:引言(7)

So I grew up convinced that science was supremely dull, but suspecting that it needn't be, and not really thinking about it at all if I could help it.

万物简史 第1期:引言(1)

For the next many years, we hope, these tiny particles will uncomplainingly engage in all the billions of deft,cooperative efforts necessary to keep you intact ,(),, and let you experience the supremely agreeable but generally underappreciated state known as existence.


This type of man usually marries, but his reasons are supremely selfish.


Running is the kind of thing where you put in the time and expect to see results, and let me be the first to tell you: It is supremely discouraging when you don't.


Running is the kind of thing where you put in the time and expect to see results, and let me be the first to tell you: It is supremely discouraging when you don't.


They appear to be supremely unconcerned by the stagnation in world trade this year.


" Mixed feelings make sense in a comedian who was always paradoxical — a winning, witty and supremely confident performer who offstage was practically a hermit and riven by self-doubt.


In my view of life there is also supremely needful a vital twoway exchange of heart qualities between human beings.


What is supremely true of living objects is only less true of ideas, which are also alive.

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