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" Captain Jim swooped down on Owen Ford and shook his hand over again.


At that moment if along didn't fly the kind fish hawk; and he swooped down and caught that ball up in his strong bill, and sailed away up in the air with it, and Buddy ran on and on as fast as he could go, around the bases, and toward home plate, and he got there in time to win the game.


But at dusk the lights of Lady Jane suddenly swooped over the crest of the wooded hill beyond the lane.


Ten minutes later a car swooped down on them from "up back.


They swooped down on the dust-piles with pails and shovels and in a few seconds Olive's pile was a veritable pyramid.


She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.


She swooped down to the nest with his last meal.


NAIROBI, Kenya — When a Chinese clothing company swooped in and offered to sponsor Kenya's famed runners, Nike panicked, Kenyan officials say.


Many of the criminals were arrested this week when French and Romanian police swooped on the ringleaders, who stole cash and property worth more than £1million a year.


He swooped upon them earnestly and drank the whole river.


In the late 19th century, perhaps because property values in the red-light area were low, entrepreneurs swooped in to build large cast-iron stores and warehouses for the garment trade.


"" As the stars' private jets swooped in, the internet was going mad for 'the Dad bod'; the slightly flabby male physique was trending and there were plenty of examples on screen.


While the college e-sports craze started as a grass-roots effort, game makers have quickly swooped in, propelling the sharp rise in interest.


That's just what we need," and huge shadows swooped down on the ship It was the Island of Vultures, inhabited entirely by those greedy birds They flew off with every ounce of carrion, promising in return to help the men whenever they called, "Vultures, fine vultures, help us!


As we continue to dip and sway, I remember a time when I was almost three, and my father came home from work, swooped me into his arms and began to dance me around the table.

The Adventures of Prince Camaralzaman and the Princess Badoura

As he stood there holding it in the open palm of his hand, a bird suddenly swooped down, picked the stone up in its beak and flew away with it.

伊索寓言:The Eagle and the Fox

Not long after, when the Fox was ranging for food, the Eagle, being in want of provision for her young ones, swooped down and seized upon one of the little cubs, and feasted herself and brood.

格林童话英文版:The Crystal Ball

Instantly a fiery bird arose from it, and was about to fly away, but the young man's brother, the eagle, who was passing between the clouds, swooped down, hunted it away to the sea, and struck it with his beak until, in its extremity, it let the egg fall.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Year

Then they swooped towards the forest, where every sound had been silenced as if by magic, every breath hushed, every bird mute.

The Wild Swans

At night, eleven swans swooped down to the ground and were turned into the form of Princes.

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