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She had an active force of antagonism within her, when the antagonism turned on the defence either of plans or persons that she believed in; and the wrongs which she felt that Will had received from her husband, and the external conditions which to others were grounds for slighting him, only gave the more tenacity to her affection and admiring judgment.


That she should be obliged to do what she intensely disliked, was an idea which turned her quiet tenacity into active invention.


"—but he secretly wondered over the terrible tenacity of this mild creature.


The tenacity with which he strove to hide this inward drama made it the more vivid for him; as we hear with the more keenness what we wish others not to hear.


Casaubon showed a tenacity of occupation and an eagerness which are usually regarded as the effect of enthusiasm, and Dorothea was anxious to follow this spontaneous direction of his thoughts, instead of being made to feel that she dragged him away from it.


The rivalry between them was soon apparent; it was entirely good natured on Gilbert's side; but it is much to be feared that the same thing cannot be said of Anne, who had certainly an unpraiseworthy tenacity for holding grudges.


My biggest strength is tenacity.


I am mesmerized by my son's determination with many things in life, in particular his aptitude and tenacity in sports.


Put these thoughts together and they will help you build your COTE (confidence, optimism, tenacity, enthusiasm), the best thing to wear when you have to perform your best.

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"Karen wasn't an obvious model for a future business leader, but she displayed a tenacity, an inquisitiveness and willingness to learn that marked her out," Mr Wood says.

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But Bryant's competitiveness, tenacity and sheer will, is about as close as it gets to Jordan.


Later, listening to that story, he would imagine her head bent beneath the lamplight, her fingers in a painful cluster around the pen, and he would wonder at her tenacity, her belief in beauty and in the authoritative voice of the ex-nun.

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My strength lies solely in my tenacity.

The Marks of Life

The same tenacity that served me so well in ski racing helped me survive my second bout with cancer.

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