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NAIROBI, Kenya—On safari for the rare African tech unicorn, Goldman Sachs Group Inc.

我国独角兽企业数量猛增 已占全球的36%

China is home to 36% of the world's "unicorn companies," startups valued at more than $1 billion, an expert said.


Unicorn refers to young, unlisted companies valued at $1b or more, based on private funding sources.


Second tier cities have become more attractive to fresh graduates, with unicorn companies the new favorite choice, among graduates born after 1995, according to a report on the attractiveness of the current job market released by bosszhipin, an app providing direct discussions between bosses and job seekers.


" She has taxidermied many other animals - including a "Unicorn" made up of various animals such as llamas and pheasants - but works primarily with cats.

腾讯 富士康投资印度即时通信应用

Hike Messenger, an Indian rival to Facebook's WhatsApp, has achieved "unicorn" status after Tencent and Foxconn joined a fresh funding round that valued the business at $1.


" On another day,the unicorn celebrated its birthday,and the bat didn't go to congratulate it either.

苹果发布iOS9.1系统版本 新增150个表情

Outward facing changes include new emojis such as a taco, hot dog, champagne and a unicorn.


Of those companies to have achieved coveted unicorn status (private companies with a minimum $1bn valuation) most have all-male boards; women hold only about 6 per cent of unicorn board seats in total in the US.


I wouldn't be surprised if these garnered "unicorn" valuations and grew even faster.

唐玄宗: 经邹鲁祭孔子而叹之

You foretold that when phoenixes vanished, your fortunes too would end, You knew that the captured unicorn would be a sign of the dose of your teaching.

格林童话英文版:The Valiant Little Tailor

In the forest roams a unicorn which does great harm, and thou must catch it first.

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