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The mere chatter of these southern-bound birds, their pale and second-hand reports, had yet power to awaken this wild new sensation and thrill him through and through with it; what would one moment of the real thing work in him—one passionate touch of the real southern sun, one waft of the authentic odor?


The breeze had not seemed to waft the sighs of the murdered to her; it had wafted nothing worse than a thick mizzling rain; and having given a good shake to her habit, she was ready to be shown into the common drawing-room, and capable of considering where she was.


As night fell, grasslands waft with the wonderful feelings of the matouqin sound, bonfire next to young men and women alike, people were immersed in a festive and cheerful among.

Account of My Travels 游历记述

How wistfully would I wander about the pier-heads in fine weather, and watch the parting ships, bound to distant climes- with what longing eyes would I gaze after their lessening sails, and waft ([wɑ:ft, w?


The pungent waft in the morning breeze comes as quickly as it goes, but there is no mistaking: this part of Malaysia is the land of the durian.


The pungent waft in the morning breeze comes as quickly as it goes, but there is no mistaking: this part of Malaysia is the land of the durian.


Lay your hand on his head, and pray that though the waves underneath grow threatening, yet the breath from above may come and fill his sails and waft him to the haven of peace.


The bright light plays across my closed eyelids and, as I breathe in, a tangy waft of citrus fills my nostrils.


Because they're moving all the time, it helps to waft the perfume around you.


Fragrant smells waft in the breeze from the lanterns.


It was the smell of rain that I missed the most and the sound of a lawnmower and the waft of cut grass.

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