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And if he should attain to all knowledge, he is yet far off.


" "Of course, I wish you to make discoveries: no one could more wish you to attain a high position in some better place than Middlemarch.


There are men whose desire for truth is so great that to attain it they will shatter the very foundation of their world.

迷人四月天:Chapter 11

Could one really attain goodness so violently?

迷人四月天:Chapter 2

And I'm sure you don't mean really that goodness, if one could attain it, makes one unhappy.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 34

Just as soon as you attain to one ambition you see another one glittering higher up still.


He had discovered a great law of human action, without knowing it—namely, that in order to make a man or a boy covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.


)The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.


) The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.


If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth.


If I attain great wealth I will remember one unfed mouth.


The commission also urged measures to attain a 50% rise in the proportion of depression patients getting professional medical help by 2022.


Use the ideas below to help attain your quest for mental fitness.


But I do believe — and with every fiber in me — that what I was able to attain came to be because we put behind us (no matter how slowly) the dogmas of the past: to discover the truth of today; and perhaps find the greatness of tomorrow.


) The important thing in life is to have a at aim, and the determination to attain it.

Ideal 理想篇

) The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it.

Life 生活篇

() The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it.


Yet the price for being yourself can never be as great as the price you will pay for stepping aside from your basic nature: a price paid in frustration, dissatisfaction, and the hopeless realization of all that you might have been, but now can never attain.


"The full retirement age increases for those born in 1957 who attain age 62 in 2019," says Jim Blair, a former Social Security administrator and lead consultant at Premier Social Security Consulting in Cincinnati, Ohio.


By being mindful and focusing your awareness in the here and now, by calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings and thoughts, you attain great peace and free yourself from worry.

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