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After the business had been fully opened by the chairman, who pointed out the advantages of purchasing by subscription a piece of ground large enough to be ultimately used as a general cemetery, Mr.


Dirk and I alone followed the hearse to the cemetery.


In order to save time I diagnosed my case, touched my nose with my right forefinger, struck myself below the knee to make my foot kick, sounded my chest, stuck out my tongue, and asked him the price of cemetery lots in Pineville.


Our rapid transit system—" "If you was out in Topaz," broke in the man from there, "I could show you a whole cemetery full of people that got killed accidentally.


Six reputable citizens of Deerwood bore Cecilia Gay to her grave in decorous Deerwood cemetery.


Grass and weeds grew rank over the whole cemetery.

双语美文:A Cheerful Temper 好心境

I got the habit of visiting the church cemetery from my father and of reading the newspaper, too.

He is really somebody

Child: A maintenance man in a cemetery :1000.

旅游英语:山东曲阜 Qufu Tourist Area

Located in Qufu, Shandong Province, the tourist area, which includes the Mansion, Temple and Cemetery of Confucius(1), enjoys a worldwide fame as a traditional Chinese cultural site.

乔布斯名言The Inspiring Words From Steve Jobs

Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me .


However, if you don't have a pet cemetery nearby and feel that perhaps a formal burial is too much, Davenport's memorial pieces offer a tasteful alternative.


And when it's time to say good-bye, owners can bury their pets in a respectable pet cemetery.


The Cemetery Shortcut : Two men were walking home after a Halloween party and decided to take a shortcut through the cemetery just for laughs.


: A cemetery grounds keeper was going about his rounds when he saw a man lying on a grave, sobbing loudly and pounding his fits on the ground, ",,,.

A Plate of Peas 一盘豌豆Never Judge a Book by Its Cover 不要以貌取人

"The president wasn't touched, and she was shocked, "Madam," he said gruffly, "we can't put up a statue for every person who attended Harvard and died, this place would look like a cemetery.


When I got my father's death certificate the medical examiner told me because my father had no relatives around the city buried him in a body bag in a unmarked grave in an old cemetery.


The family buried the girl at the Southern Cemetery in Manchester.


In a Beijing suburb, a cemetery called "Pet Heaven" is located where more than 4,000 pets are buried.


In order to save time I diagnosed my case, touched my nose with my right forefinger, struck myself below the knee to make my foot kick, sounded my chest, stuck out my tongue, and asked him the price of cemetery lots in Pineville.


Along the way, live on-board commentary for dog owners lifts the lid on London's rich canine history, including spotlights on the ministerial dogs of Downing Street, the many corgis that have shared Buckingham Palace with the Queen and the location of London's only dog cemetery.

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