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On afternoons when his memory was more stimulated than usual, he remembered that the Duke of Wellington had (in strict privacy, lest jealousies should be awakened) expressed his esteem for that fine fellow Poulter.


Public spirit was not held in high esteem at St Ogg's, and men who busied themselves with political questions were regarded with some suspicion, as dangerous characters; they were usually persons who had little or no business of their own to manage, or, if they had, were likely enough to become insolvent.


Men had always thought her a handsome comfortable woman, and had reckoned it among the signs of Bulstrode's hypocrisy that he had chosen a red-blooded Vincy, instead of a ghastly and melancholy person suited to his low esteem for earthly pleasure.


Claims on me are numerous, but on reconsideration, I esteem it right that I should incur a small sacrifice rather than leave you unaided.


Powderell, who in his constant charity of interpretation was inclined to esteem Lydgate the more for what seemed a conscientious pursuit of a better plan, had his mind disturbed with doubts during his wife's attack of erysipelas, and could not abstain from mentioning to Lydgate that Mr.


He had now achieved this, and from all who did not think it a bad precedent, his honorable exertions had won him due esteem; but in no part of the world is genteel visiting founded on esteem, in the absence of suitable furniture and complete dinner-service.


Then again it was a continually repeated shock, disturbing Lydgate's esteem, that the Vicar should obviously play for the sake of money, liking the play indeed, but evidently liking some end which it served.


I will not say all that I could of the family you are with, because I would not be ungenerous, or set you against those you esteem; but it is very difficult to know whom to trust, and young men never know their minds two days together.

迷人四月天:Chapter 17

He had the greatest possible esteem for Mrs.

迷人四月天:Chapter 10

It no longer even held him—at least, so she had been informed—in any particular esteem.

迷人四月天:Chapter 9

The freckled one rose in her esteem.


I have zero self esteem because of this and I look at pretty girls and think why I wasn't born beautiful.


Surround yourself with good vibes it will do wonders for your self esteem.

夫妻相处 七大要诀

And it shows that you have low self esteem.


It goes without saying that the friendship is worthless if all the fun in it is at the expense of 'your' ego and self esteem.


A friend looks after your own good, is attached to you by affection, and entertains other sentiments of esteem.


Democrats were more likely than Republicans to say that society looks up to masculine men — but Democrats were also much more likely to say that society's esteem for masculinity is a bad thing.


"Not only did the plaintiff become severely depressed and vexed," her statement, cited by news portal Sohu, read, "but the esteem of her relatives and other people with the Pan surname has also decreased drastically in the eyes of society.


—, No matter in what high esteem you are held.


This type of boss is afraid that if they set high performance targets and challenge their staff to meet and surpass them, their esteem will slip.

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