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Or you can subscribe to interactive web pages that not only provides many interesting ways of online learning but the chance to meet and speak with other language learners too!

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Or you can subscribe to interactive web pages like babbel.


The content will be available throughout the regular season, NBA All-Star, the NBA Playoffs and The Finals, bringing the latest NBA trends and news through various interactive formats, such as short videos and livestreaming by celebrities and influencers.


The Palace Museum will present its first-ever interactive puzzle book in January 2019.


Feedback received indicates that they enjoyed the informality of the presentation and appreciated the spontaneous and interactive approach approach taken by the speakers.


The robot's name is CIMON -- for Crew Interactive Mobile Companion -- and it looks a bit like a volleyball with a computer screen on one side.


Once a week we met in the library for an interactive study session.


The Angry River is a short interactive film that uses eye-tracking technology and artificial intelligence to gauge who the viewer looks at and where their eyes linger most on screen.


While on board, passengers can use a touch screen or speak to an interactive voice system to change their destination.


Customers at the Kiukiang CCB branch have access to video teller machines and currency exchange machines, as well as interactive services, including Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.


Aided by his usual cinematographer, Janusz Kaminski, and by the production designer Adam Stockhausen, he turns a vast virtual landscape of battling avatars into a bustling pop-cultural theme park, an interactive museum of late-20th- and early-21st-century entertainment, a maze of niche tastes, cultish preoccupations and blockbuster callbacks.


Modern "Smart TV" systems, for example, allow the viewer to have a more interactive experience.


Or you can subscribe to interactive web pages like babbel.


The streaming service announced an ambitious experiment in interactive storytelling today with the children's programs Puss in Book: Trapped in an Epic Tale and Buddy Thunderstruck: The Maybe Pile.


The site uses a variety of different formats to let viewers explore objects, such as the interactive video.


Global interactive gaming, although still in its early days, has been evolving rapidly and already become the mainstream.


Netflix president Reed Hastings confirmed the company is working on interactive shows, saying: 'Once you have got interactivity you can try anything.


The couple, who founded online gaming and books group Shanda Interactive Entertainment in 1999, say they can be pioneers in investment — leading more of China's private wealth overseas.


The start-up's interactive retail stands — which have been used for fragrances by Dior and Armani — use motion-activated screens to tell customers about the products they pick up.


Mr Homma sees opportunities in self-driving cars, which will require interactive screens and maybe entire smart dashboards as well as medical monitors where the highest resolution can be, literally, a matter of life or death, and virtual reality.

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