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Was there not the geography of Asia Minor, in which her slackness had often been rebuked by Mr.


But these were people of minor importance.


Old Featherstone had often reflected as he sat looking at the fire that Standish would be surprised some day: it is true that if he had done as he liked at the last, and burnt the will drawn up by another lawyer, he would not have secured that minor end; still he had had his pleasure in ruminating on it.


These minor monumental productions were always exciting to Mr.


Vincy's mind insisted with remarkable instinct on every point of minor importance, especially on what Mr.


His private minor loans were numerous, but he would inquire strictly into the circumstances both before and after.


There was one boy, named Parr, of whom Jim seemed to have formed the lowest possible opinion, and another boy named Wigsby Minor, for whose views Jim had a great respect.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 33

She was looking very pretty herself on this particular night in a dress of the lovely wild-rose pink, from which Anne was forever debarred; but she was not to take any part in the concert, so her appearance was of minor importance.


In describing the splendid, almost royal, days of the old planters, he would hesitate until he had recalled the name of the Negro who held his horse, or the exact date of certain minor happenings, or the number of bales of cotton raised in such a year; but Hargraves never grew impatient or lost interest.


Before they had attended school a week they saw what goats they had been not to remain on the island; but it was too late now, and soon they settled down to being as ordinary as you or me or Jenkins minor.


Ursa Minor, or the little bear, contains the North Star, a bright star that hovers right over the north pole.


The world is full of conflicts: Jews and Arabs; Indians and Pakistanis; white men and Negroes in Africa; and, overshadowing all minor conflicts, the titanic struggle between communism and anticommunism.


How To Make the Right Career Choice After 30 And Succeed30 In fact, plenty of people make minor and significant career power moves after adulting for a few years.

改变你的生活方式 就能轻松节水!

Fix minor leaks around your home.


: Born into an impoverished aristocratic family, Tao Qian took a minor official post while in his 20s in order to support his aged parents.


Cao was initially a minor garrison commander and rose to prominence as a general when he suppressed the Yellow Turban Rebellion, which threatened the last years of Han rule.


Legend states that Liu Bei, then a minor military figure, heard of Zhuge Liang's great wisdom and came three times to the wilderness retreat to which Zhuge had retired to seek him out as an adviser.


He devoted himself to observing and calculating the orbits of minor planets and comets.


TAG did not specify which websites were hacked, but their report says the sites received "thousands of visitors per week," suggesting the sites received relatively minor traffic relative to the number of iPhones in the wild.


We probably all have at least one friend that's late to everything, and while it seems like a minor annoyance, it can occasionally cause bigger problems—not to mention it's just plain rude.

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