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The next time your see your aging parents don't just talk about minor domestic matters.


Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives.


The scene of this minor miracle takes place in the living room of my house under an old, broken ceiling fan with a little glass angel hanging from its pull string.


We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star.

Two Views of time 关于时间的两种观点

Each day is a minor eternity of over 86000 seconds.


Be grateful for your minor issue and get over it.


"Early next week we will deliver a software update for iPhone users in China addressing the minor functionality of the two patents at issue in the case.

《神奇动物》中的这些人物名字 原来大有深意

"Scamander" just sounds a lot like "salamander," and it's also the name of a minor Greek river god.

iPhone XR测评:适合我们大多数人的实惠机型

) All of these minor negatives add up to a win for price-conscious consumers, especially as smartphone prices keep climbing — iPhones a few years ago started at about $650, while prices for Android phones from Google and Samsung have also shot up to between $700 and $1,000.

领导的数量太多 会使得工作效率低下

A few years ago at a prior job, Girish Rishi had a boss who got distracted by every minor crisis or triumph, leading to "whiplash" for his subordinates, says Mr.


Most sore throats, also known as pharyngitis, are caused by minor illnesses like a cold or flu and will go away with time, but there are few things you can try to speed up the process or ease the pain.


,,, The cafe will operate much like any other normal Starbucks with the exception of minor adjustments made to the store's layout - such as lowered shelves - to reduce the risk of employees injuring themselves.

美国空军1架教练机坠毁 所幸无人员伤亡

The pilots survived the bailout from the T-6 Texan II training aircraft and sustained minor injuries, The Houston Chronicle reported.


The trade-offs of the new jumbo model felt minor.

研究证实 喷气式烘手机的卫生程度远低于传统纸巾

They also looked for Staphylococcus aureus, which is responsible for a range of conditions, from minor skin and wound infections to life-threatening septicaemia.


,,, The cafe will operate much like any other normal Starbucks with the exception of minor adjustments made to the store's layout - such as lowered shelves - to reduce the risk of employees injuring themselves.


A Greyhound spokesperson said the driver of the bus suffered minor injuries and was able to complete his route.


We probably all have at least one friend that's late to everything, and while it seems like a minor annoyance, it can occasionally cause bigger problems—not to mention it's just plain rude.

200多万元法拉利才到手1个小时 转眼化为灰烬

South Yorkshire Police say they were surprised to see that the driver had escaped the blaze mostly unharmed, adding that he was "very lucky" to walk away from the crash with only "minor cuts and bruises".

The Advantages of Electronic Dictionaries 电子词典的优势

Despite these electronic dictionaries may have some minor disadvantages, comparing to their advantages, people are willing to use them.

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