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Promotions go to those who have had promotions in the past.


Similarly, 66% of men said promotions to the executive level are equally attainable by both sexes, versus 30% of women.


Promotions for some of these supplements do more than promise they will cure digestive ailments.


Its Chinese name is (nian gao), a homophone for "year higher" (), which symbolizes increasing prosperity and promotions year after year.


Those who were born in the Year of the Ox may expect career changes, promotions, and salary upgrades.


Women who can afford to take the full 12 weeks often don't, because it will mean incurring a "motherhood penalty" – meaning they will be perceived as less dedicated to their job and will be passed over for promotions and other career advancement.

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"Some hotels offer promotions to customers on the basis of their social media following," said Vincenzo Cosenza, a marketing expert from Buzzoole, a company that connects businesses with social media influencers.


Research examples of employees who have been successful attaining promotions and support for additional education.

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" The charity has called for measures including a ban on TV adverts for junk food before the watershed and for restrictions on price promotions of less healthy food and drinks, echoing the combined awareness and legislative campaigns that have been deployed in recent years in response to other public health issues.


The survey also shows that 64% of the workforce in the United States expresses their willingness to accept such promotions.


Users can subscribe to the accounts and get promotions messaged directly to them or click in be taken to a shopping page,.


Users can subscribe to the accounts and get promotions messaged directly to them or click in be taken to a shopping page,.


Others argue that online shoppers are more analytical and harder to seduce with eye-catching promotions.


com is ramping up its co-operation with shareholder Walmart, the US retailer, targeting customers in store and online with promotions.


The ego email tactics could mean that women are missing out on promotions that are instead handed to male colleagues less embarrassed about using messages to show off.


With fewer promotions and changes to job titles, it can be more difficult to feel like you're succeeding even if you're regularly completing projects, says career coach Michel.


The company questioned women aged 18 and over to identify when they feel most vulnerable about their appearance in order to determine the best timing for beauty product messages and promotions.


Instead of traditional famous brands, the young customers favor more nascent brands which are better at marketing themselves in new, flexible ways, including promotions on WeChat and Taobao.

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Female graduates working in e-commerce receive better pay and more promotions, according to a report recently published by education consultancy MyCOS.


A total of 57 online retail shopping and service platforms as well as internet financial firms were involved in the complaints, which were related to product quality and delivery, customer service, exchange and return policies, and false promotions, the report said.

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