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Even more interestingly, Xinhua further asserted that the reason that China has supposedly overtaken the US as the world's obesity superpower is not the one most of us would imagine.


We've all heard that sedentary lifestyles and deskbound jobs can lead to health problems such as obesity and cancer.

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A team at the University of Granada in Spain discovered that injections of melatonin helped combat obesity and diabetes in rats by helping to regulate their systems.

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This hasn't led to a huge decrease in obesity rates or to arguments from experts that it is the reason for fewer deaths from cardiovascular disease.


The latest trick to fighting obesity isn't a focus on eating less fat or sugar (although that would probably help): It's eating more fiber.

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Standing is great for the body and mind, helping to fend off obesity, heart attacks, strokes, dementia, depression and some cancers.


But other factors did not seem to have any link with productivity, including smoking, alcohol consumption and severe obesity.


While that sounds a little extreme, it could help prevent a range of disorders, such as obesity and depression, which have been linked to a lifestyle that's out of whack with your body clock.

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Obesity expert Dr Sarah Jackson said that the law should protect against weight discrimination, in the same way at it prohibits singling out people based on their age, gender or race.


As a result, a large number people are suffering obesity or more or less illness.

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" Previous research has shown that teenagers who don't get enough sleep are at higher risk of obesity.


A team at the University of Granada in Spain discovered that injections of melatonin helped combat obesity and diabetes in rats by helping to regulate their systems.


According to WHO, a further reduction to below 5 percent or roughly 25 grams, that is 6 teaspoons per day, would provide additional health benefits and reduce risks of obesity, overweight and tooth decay, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric said at a daily news briefing here.

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Activating this receptor suppresses obesity associated with a high-fat diet, the researchers found.


The hospital faces particular challenges: The city has a high poverty rate (32 percent, compared with the state average of 13 percent), and the metro area has a high rate of childhood obesity.


" "Physical fatigue and problems such as obesity and other health problems are related to binge-watching and they are a cause for concern.


Teenagers who mistakenly perceive themselves as overweight are actually at greater risk of obesity as adults, new research has revealed.


Also, the overall risk of death increases with obesity.


Evidence is growing, too, that eating too much sugar can lead to fatty liver disease, hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, obesity and kidney disease.

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Warning signs include high blood pressure, high cholesterol and obesity.

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