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《傲慢与偏见》第六章 第3节

Of this she was perfectly unaware; -- to her he was only the man who made himself agreeable no where, and who had not thought her handsome enough to dance with.


While to east coasters, it might feel perfectly natural to say "pie" when referring to a whole pizza, not so for those in other regions.


They're not perfectly circular hickeys either.


White House hopeful Hilary Clinton has a perfectly coiffured, highlighted version of the pob, while SNP Leader Nicola Sturgeon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel prefer a shorter cropped, schoolboy style.


Even so, gene-editing technology makes the prospect of a homo perfectus just slightly more probable — and, as a species, we have yet to fully grasp the implications of this brave and perfectly edited new world.


Time Out praised it for a"sly evocation of the absurdities and banalities of modern life", while The Telegraph said that"The film's sweetness and bitterness are held so perfectly in balance, and realised with such sinew-stiffening intensity, that watching it feels like a three-hour sports massage for your heart and soul.


" 'Don't worry, we are a product of our experiences so this is perfectly normal.


When she happened to fetch out a long word which had had its day weeks before and its prepared meanings gone to her dump-pile, if there was a stranger there of course it knocked him groggy for a couple of minutes, then he would come to, and by that time she would be away down wind on another tack, and not expecting anything; so when he'd hail and ask her to cash in, I (the only dog on the inside of her game) could see her canvas flicker a moment—but only just a moment—then it would belly out tau


This button is perfectly in level with the rest of the bezel and cannot be pressed,' sources told MobiPicker.


Then one day the circle found a piece that fit perfectly.


When you love unconditionally, it isn't because the person you love is perfect, it's because you learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.


The bottom of the pool was made of large greyish-blue stones and the water was perfectly clear, and on the bottom lay a life-size figure of a man, made apparently of gold.


After that it became perfectly delicious and as soon as I started swimming and splashing I found that all the pain had gone from my arm.


It reached the pool and slid its horrible scaly chin down over the gravel to drink: but before it had drunk there came from it a great croaking or clanging cry and after a few twitches and convulsions it rolled round on its side and lay perfectly still with one claw in the air.


) And don't worry, the slide is perfectly safe.


But most striking are the perfectly manicured lawns, shrubberies and parks that weave around the buildings and through the grounds.


Take proper care of them and keep them perfectly clean.


Yours truly, , Perfectly Imperfect Me.


Too many people ruin what would be a perfectly good shot by failing to consider the backdrop properly.


Cheng pulled from the oven a perfectly baked specimen of what she calls Bach pie, named for the great composer beloved by mathematicians everywhere: an oblong rectangle of creamy dark chocolate studded with banana slices and topped by an Escher-like braid of four glazed pastry plaits that followed divergent trajectories, never quite crisscrossing where you expected them to.

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