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Many noted mathemati-clans did not admit negative numbers,because they consider zero as"nothing"and could not understand that something could be even less than"nothing,"and so considered negative numbers"absurd.


And as I've noted many times previously, being likeable is just as important to your career growth as is performance.


" The hike will not affect the country's overall interest rate level, it noted.


In interviews, experts noted that no epidemic was ever the result of a single variable.


In fact, as the Science of Us noted earlier this month in a video, taking breaks is a good thing, both for your mind and creative output.


"The share buyback boom has peaked," noted Christopher Wood, strategist for the CLSA arm of Citic Securities, citing "the dramatic underperformance of the S&P 500 Share Buyback index relative to the S&P 500 itself".

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They particularly noted if subjects 'returned' another person's yawn within three minutes.


To combat financial stress, He Shanjun, an associate professor at China University of Political Science and Law, noted that adults who are feeling squeezed and are out of balance in their life should persevere with their careers and weather the tough times.


" Patrick Methieson noted a Jobs quote that encapsulates the "billionaire mentality": Quora,"?


'The picture [of the object] shows a diagonal stripe of diminishing width and lighter in shade than the sky over the dark bulk of a building cornice,' it was noted.


Researchers from Taiwan looked at the records of more than 100,000 adults over seven years and noted how often they went to a dental hygienist.


3 percent of the total population, it was noted.


The report also noted that community service should be "meaningful" and "sustained" rather than an activity that students participate in to boost their chances of getting accepted into college.


Rothman noted that original movie fare was being routinely ignored by viewers, who similarly turned away from "Everest," a 3-D thriller from Universal Pictures.


Chinese cuisine is noted for the following characteristics: : Vegetables are the main ingredients.

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But as the Bagger's astute pal Kyle Buchanan over at Vulture noted, the Screen Actors Guild Awards — one of the more reliable bellwethers — didn't give much love to the populist blockbusters this year.


He brought her closer and asked her to feel the carrots, she did and noted that they were soft .


It noted a "well-established connection" between sodium intake and high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart attack and stroke.

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As Business Insider noted, Mark Zuckerberg signed the Giving Pledge in 2010, which meant he committed more than half of his wealth to philanthropy or charity.


Condom use, for instance, has never exceeded 50 percent of the gay male population, he noted, citing previous investigations.

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