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" Asami noted, other noodles that use konjac aren't flying off shelves, but the wood pulp adds more flavor and texture that the other noodles are lacking.


" Later that day the juniorexecutive went in to see his boss, who had been noted, by the way, as being kind of a grouchy fellow.


"Humans will adapt their skills to the tasks where they continue to have a comparative advantage over machines," he noted.


This is especially noted in a study done examining the effects of ginger has on prostate cancer cells.


She noted that having a sibling protects adolescents against negative feelings such as loneliness, guilt, fear and self-consciousness.


" Extending the metaphor, he noted that criminal suspects could work together as accomplices, and there could be a character not yet known.


Nuwa Mended the Sky The popular story of"Nuwa Mended the Sky" was noted in"Huainanzi "written in Western Han.


Uefa declined to comment on the investigation but said the information had been noted.


TechCrunch has noted that the two to three percent difference in battery performance is within the manufacturing tolerances for any device.


THEY TRIGGER A BUILD-UP OF PRESSURE Skinny jeans are particularly tight around the stomach, hips, knees and ankles, causing a build up of pressure in these areas, if they are worn for a long time, Ms Margo noted.


Thereupon, he went to Wu prefecture to seek the advice of the two noted brothers, Lu Ji and Lu Yun.


Instead, in the wake of the great recession, managers have noted an ample supply of cheap human labour and have done without the machines for now.


Though improvements have been noted in animal models and in anecdotal reports, research on the safety and effectiveness of caffeine in the treatment of ADHD is very limited.


The White House also noted that it doesn't know if Obama is reading the books in hard copy or on an e-reader.


Native ferns are found throughout New Zealand forests, and the silver fern is noted for its striking appearance.


This cycle of stress and relief associated with internet addiction may lead to altered levels of cortisol, a hormone that impacts on the immune system, Professor Read and his team noted.


He also noted a reference on the wreckage - BB670 - which according to the expert "is not a plane's registration number, nor serial number.


Upon seeing some of the collection later, he noted that some of his forgeries had been replaced with even cruder fakes.


" "Very good," said the grocer, and he noted down the sale.

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