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白居易: 长恨歌

And the lady, at news of an envoy from the Emperor of China, Was startled out of dreams in her nine-flowered, canopy.


Attached to the park is a luxury hotel, the Bird's Nest Resort, which is built on top of the thick forest canopy.


In the midst of this growing and important stress the broker became suddenly aware of a high-rolled fringe of golden hair under a nodding canopy of velvet and ostrich tips, an imitation sealskin sacque and a string of beads as large as hickory nuts, ending near the floor with a silver heart.

格林童话英文版:The Hut in the Forest

On the walls, golden flowers grew up on a ground of green silk, the bed was of ivory, and the canopy of red velvet, and on a chair close by, was a pair of slippers embroidered with pearls.

安徒生童话英文版:Godfather’s Picture Book

Beneath a canopy near the King's throne, the councilors of state sit in antique dress on an outspread carpet.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bishop of Børglum and His Warriors

The murdered bishop and the slain warriors and priests are displayed under a black canopy, surrounded by candelabra decked with crape.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

The bird flew away from my bosom, upwards towards the dark, heavy canopy above me, but a long, green band kept it fastened to me.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of the Year

Hand in hand the two wandered beneath the fresh pendant canopy of foliage, while the sun's rays gleamed through the opening of the shade, in changing and varied colors.

安徒生童话英文版-12 The Emperor’s New Suit

" The master of the ceremonies announced that the bearers of the canopy, which was to be carried in the procession, were ready.

安徒生童话英文版-7 The Travelling Companion(1835)

Over it hung a canopy of rose-colored spider's webs, spotted with the prettiest little green flies, which sparkled like precious stones.

River Baptism

It was a deep pool under a high canopy of leaves.

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