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Fermented foods—like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, and sauerkraut—are rich in good bacteria for your gut.


This is usually done by bacteria in the gut and the consequent fermentation process results in the release of gases that may also cause bloating.


This is usually done by bacteria in the gut and the consequent fermentation process results in the release of gases that may also cause bloating.

研究发现 世界上大多数海龟都吃过塑料

In one case, the gut was punctured, and in the other, the soft plastic clogged the gut.

去经历去体验 做最好最真实的自己

You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.


"They're basically carbs that get fermented by gut bacteria and, for some people, cause digestive symptoms like bloating and gas," says Ariana Cucuzza, RDN, a nutritionist at the Center for Functional Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic.


Scientists have been studying the red fruit and have discovered cooked tomato sauces increases the levels of healthy bacteria present in gut.


It contain probiotics, which are good bacteria that keep your gut system healthy.


Spanish scientists found cooked tomato sauce boosts the levels of healthy bacteria in the gut and tomatoes have a better probiotic effect when fried into a sauce.


Fermentation makes good bacteria called probiotics, which contribute to our gut health, and prebiotics, which feed the good bacteria.


It felt like I got punched in the gut.


For migraines Avoid: cured meats Research in America found that people who suffer from migraines have higher levels of a gut bacteria which processes nitrates.


"If there's something in your gut telling you this isn't good for you, explore that," says Reid, who found that the constant access to social-media sites, Twitter especially, made her anxious and sad.


Three night shifts in a row had little impact on the body's master clock in the brain, researchers found, but it played havoc with gut function, throwing the natural cycle out by a full 12 hours.

常上夜班干扰身体节律 对肠胃破坏极大

Three night shifts in a row had little impact on the body's master clock in the brain, researchers found, but it played havoc with gut function, throwing the natural cycle out by a full 12 hours.


The hypothesis is that some of the things we excrete can be toxic to us, so keeping them in our gut for longer may contribute to our risk of bowel cancer.


Not only can they potentially choke your dog, they can cause blockages in the gut, intestinal damage and chipped or broken teeth.

科学家十年内将生产出“健康”白面包 吃一点就饱

" "And those starches which go down to the lower gut they ferment those sugars to produce short-chain fatty acids and it's widely thought those are very beneficial to gut health.


A common bowel condition, IBS is a functional disorder, which means there's nothing wrong with the structure of the bowel itself, but the way the gut works is abnormal.

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