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励志! 抚养五个孩子的单身母亲通过律师资格考试!

"I see a woman who at one time knew that the odds were against her.


It costs $2 to play the game, but the odds of matching all six numbers and taking home the grand prize is a remote 1 in 302.

幸运! 一名男子因下雨而中了1000万美元的彩票!

The staggering odds of winning that top prize are 1 in 2,937,600.


A recent Finnish study of 1,400 longtime coffee drinkers reveals that people who sipped between three to five cups of coffee a day in their 40s and 50s reduced their odds of developing Alzheimer's disease by 65% compared to those who downed fewer than two cups a day.


" But Dislere cautioned that despite the financial gains from up to eight weeks of event television, any teenager should still favor the academic route because the odds of getting a place are so much better.


" But Dislere cautioned that despite the financial gains from up to eight weeks of event television, any teenager should still favor the academic route because the odds of getting a place are so much better.


I didn't go into my marriage thinking it would end in divorce; though I have to admit the odds were pretty much stacked against me.


The odds are Oladipo will always be a fairly inconsistent shooter.


Some are quick to point out that the odds of Mandarin ever replacing English as the language of international business are slim to none, citing the prevalence of English globally, the high volume of Chinese students already learning English, and the difficulty non-native speakers have in learning Mandarin as reasons why the rise of Mandarin appears hyperbolic.

新研究指出 人的寿命可能没有上限!

But, say Sapienza University's Elisabetta Barbi and University of Roma Tre's Francesco Lagona, after reaching the ripe old age of 105, the odds of dying within the following year essentially drop down to 50%.


The research also discovered that woman who separated from their partners after becoming pregnant increased her odds of a miscarriage by 60 per cent.


"It's about stacking the odds in your favour," says Katie.

英语散文:To Risk 冒险

To go forward in the face of overwhelming odds is to risk failure.


Lottery organizers could not estimate the likelihood of winning twice in a week, but the odds of winning once are one in 1.


As couples' earnings get closer to what is typical of married couples in their state, their odds of marrying increase.


" Odds are that by 25 you're also supporting yourself, so there's less incentive for you to rush into marriage because you're seeking financial security from him.


While the algorithm may reduce the number of potential partners from thousands to a few, they may be as incompatible as two people meeting at random, Dr Finkel explained, adding the odds are no better than finding a relationship by strolling into any bar.


But the good news is that there are several things you can do to improve those odds, including saying yes to after-work drinks, and joining online dating services.


Filmmakers make movies despite often-crushing odds and some make movies while also struggling against entrenched prejudices.


And, it's almost impossible to be open with both of the people you're in love with about your polyamorous feelings, so even if one of your SOs says they're "cool" with you being in love with other people at the same time, the odds are that jealousy will appear in the relationship.

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