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Learning for understanding and making connections plus with prior knowledge.

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In addition, the crowd chanted "Danny, Danny" leading up to Green being introduced prior to the game.


Prior to my stroke, I thrived in my role as CEO of a successful chamber of commerce.


Some employers verify employment history prior to scheduling interviews.


Some employers verify employment history prior to scheduling interviews.


The book is a window into the personal life of the Obamas prior to, throughout, and following their time at the White House as the first African-American first lady and the first black US President Barack Obama.


Prior to restoration work between 1990 and 2001, the tower's lean was 5.


You cannot enjoy studying when you are preparing on the last day prior to your test.

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A few years ago at a prior job, Girish Rishi had a boss who got distracted by every minor crisis or triumph, leading to "whiplash" for his subordinates, says Mr.


The ministry said that 981 State-level attractions lowered ticket prices, while 74 were free to the public prior to the travel boom during the break.


Prior to the scene in the video, the woman used a wooden baseball bat from the trunk of her car to strike the bus window, cracking the windshield, police said.


n] Prior to the 16th century, auburn would not have been an ideal word to describe an autumn color.

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"To our knowledge, no prior study has directly measured the effect on actual interaction that results from removing spatial boundaries to create an open office environment," Ethan S.


The speed at which a person metabolized caffeine didn't seem to affect longevity, despite prior research that suggested coffee consumption might be related to increased risks of high blood pressure and heart attack among people who metabolize caffeine slowly.

双语:研究显示 想学外语到18岁都不算晚

Being a written quiz, the study could not test for accent, but prior research places the critical period for speech sounds even earlier.

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"The user behaviour may be compared against the user's prior behaviour to determine differences in the user behaviour for this request and normal behaviour of prior requests," the patent states.


NBA stars such as Shaquille O'Neal and Kevin Garnett had signed on with Chinese brands in years prior, but toward the end of their careers and as big men, a group that has long struggled to captivate the American sneaker-buying market.


"None of the cast had received the scripts prior, and one by one they started to fall down to their deaths.


Professor, Lighting Research Center Light and Health Program Director, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute Mariana Figueiro: It depends on the kind of device and how long people are being exposed to it, but there's clearly a potential for suppressing melatonin in the evening, which is the hormone we start producing a couple of hours prior to bedtime.


Encourage a period of winding down prior to bed - for little kids it could be a bath and a story, while for older ones, it means turning off the stimulating TV shows or video games.

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