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Books that fit into the categories of drama, suspense and horror will stimulate your penetrating mind.


By swishing and swirling just a little bit of oil in your mouth in the morning like a mouthwash, this will stimulate enzymes which will fight bacteria in your mouth all day.


It is believed that green and blue shades act as an appetite suppressant (while yellow and red stimulate the appetite) so opt for blue dishes, table cloths or walls in your dining area to help keep your hunger at bay.


Michael Terman, professor at Columbia University and author of the book "Reset Your Inner Clock," told The Huffington Post in an email that this new research implies the antidepressant benefit comes from exposure to ultraviolte rays that act on the skin to stimulate vitamin D production.


They are also expected to stimulate industrial transformation and upgrading, it said.


Han Sanping, the chief initiator and art director, believes the cast will stimulate interest among young moviegoers and prompt them to search online for more revolutionary history.


Apples reduce tooth decay because they stimulate the production of saliva in your mouth.


Infant pandas are reared in nurseries, wherededicated staff work non-stop to meet their every need - including massagingtheir stomachs to stimulate their digestion :,-.


In fact, the ancient Egyptians 4000 years ago used electric fish to stimulate and reduce pain.


"It's one thing to stimulate the muscle to contract and relax when you're engaging in activity, but if you contract it and don't move for a long time, it can pinch the nerves and cause pain in the lower back and shoulders.


You can also chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless hard candy to help stimulate saliva production.


Stimulate your brain and close your eyes while washing your hair, eating, or putting on your clothes.


Chocolate All forms of chocolate stimulate the release of 'happiness' neurotransmitters.


The move was backed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who believes the changes will stimulate tourism and help the country's flagging economy.


,,, Driving can lift spirits, relieve stress and stimulate the brain .


But as computers became more powerful and accessible, they were increasingly viewed by hippies on the US west coast as a mechanism for liberation, helping to stimulate the astonishing development of Silicon Valley.


These omega-3 fats have been found to turn on genes that stimulate fat burning and turn off genes that increase fat storage.


By swishing and swirling just a little bit of oil in your mouth in the morning like a mouthwash, this will stimulate enzymes which will fight bacteria in your mouth all day.

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Bristles stimulate the scalp and distribute sebum all the way down the hair shaft.


"In addition, retinols stimulate collagen helping to counter the effects of aging and sun.

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