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Kate Forster: [voice over] Dear new tenant, welcome to your new home.


In the meantime, the two buyers will seek new tenants for the space — and may offer a big enough tenant the chance to have its name on the building.


"This is our make or break moment for the tenant movement," said Ilana Maier, the program director for the Metropolitan Council on Housing.


While Tom and Casy were wondering what had happened, Muley Graves, a diehard tenant farmer, came by and disclosed that all of the families in the neighborhood had gone to California or were going.

The Story of Ali Colia, Merchant of Bagdad

The shop itself he sold also, and easily found a tenant for his private house.

勃朗特一家的故事-9 亚瑟•尼可斯

Before she died,she wrote another book-The Tenant of Wildfell Hall—about a woman who left her cruel husband.

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