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安徒生童话英文版:The Money-Box

So he made up his mind to remember one of them in his will, as the one to be buried with him in the family vault, whenever that event should happen.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw:Twenty-Eighth Evening

When the steamboat winds along like a magic snail over the lakes, a stranger often comes to the church, and visits the burial vault; he asks the names of the kings, and they have a dead and forgotten sound.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Tenth Evening

Our family vault is six miles from here.

安徒生童话-13 The Goloshes of Fortune-The Best Thing the Goloshes Did

It produced the feeling which we experience when we enter a vault at a funeral, on a summer's day; while the hills and the clouds put on that singular green hue which we often notice in old paintings, and look upon as unnatural until we have ourselves seen nature's coloring in the south.

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