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Crucially, he says AI cannot interact with humans "exactly like humans", with empathy, human-to-human connection, and compassion.

Abundance is a Life Style 富足的生活方式

Abundance begins inside with some main self-ingredients, like love, care, kindness and gentleness, thoughtfulness and compassion.

The 50-Percent Theory of Life 生活理论半对半

Then there are those high points: romance and marriage to the right person; having a child and doing those Dad things like coaching my son's baseball team, paddling around the creek in the boat while he's swimming with the dogs, discovering his compassion so deep it manifests even in his kindness to snails, his imagination so vivid he builds a spaceship from a scattered pile of Legos.

Build Me a Son 塑造我的儿子

Here, let him learn to stand up in the storm; here let him learn compassion for those that fail.

Clouds 云

Don't I drift toward the north when I feel the breezes of love and the warmth of compassion?


Research shows that positive emotions associated with attending religious services—such as hope, faith, forgiveness, joy, compassion, and gratitude—can help to reduce stress.


If you don't know what to say, reflect back what you hear the other person saying and offer compassion.

英国放弃医护植物人合法化 家属同意后可停止供食

Sarah Wootton, chief executive of the campaign group Compassion in Dying, said the ruling was "a helpful step towards a clearer, more person-centred view of end-of-life care".

英语故事:追梦人 The Dreamer

" He laughed a hearty laugh and cast an eye full of compassion upon them andsaid, "Still I repeat what I have said before that I am none else but one of you.

双语美文:公开信 致忧伤的你

I thought about writing it about the things you could do to feel better: show yourself compassion, go outside and look at the trees, look at a baby photo of yourself.


Treat yourself with the compassion and care you'd give to someone else.


What will matter is every act of integrity, compassion, courage and sacrifice that enriched, empowered or encouraged others to emulate your example.


Treat all people--including yourself--with love and compassion, and you can't go wrong.

名人励志英语演讲 第55期:永不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭(6)

Yet compassion is the work of a nation, not just a government.

名人励志英语演讲 第52期:永不疲惫,永不气馁,永不完竭(3)

Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion, and character.


From businesses, governments and organisations, a scripted response will fail to resonate as it will not convey empathy and compassion.


Gadot took the stage to a standing ovation, and delivered an empowering speech about equality and compassion.


" "They really prioritize relationships because of their reduced resources, and so they are more likely to really focus on emotions that bind them to one another and find satisfaction and delight in relationships through compassion and love.


Cultivate compassion When we try to step into other people's shoes and understand a situation from another's perspective, we're more likely to handle the situation with compassion, objectivity and effectiveness.


"My AI is designed around human values such as wisdom, kindness and compassion.

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