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've met a lot people who got depressed, who incubated low self-esteem because they misplaced their sources of happiness.


That has depressed top-line growth, particularly for internet and technology groups, which earn more revenues outside the US than any other sector.


A study in 2013, for example, found that nearly 17 percent of unemployed Americans were depressed, compared to almost six percent of those who had a permanent job.

Giving Life Meaning 给生命以意义

When life doesn't conform to our fantasy we grow upset, frustrated, or depressed.

In Life We are Happiest When...生活中,我们最幸福时

In life, there are enough times when we are disappointed, depressed and annoyed.

Saving David 拯救大卫

He was very depressed, refusing to talk to others.

The Last Class(最后一课)

They all seemed depressed; and Hauser had brought an old spelling-book with gnawed edges, which he held wide-open on his knee, with his great spectacles askew.

研究显示 母亲的伴侣数量决定了孩子的伴侣数量

They might be depressed, have trust issues, or not regulate their emotions well.


Another study at the University of California showed that people who were regularly hugged by their partner were less likely to be depressed or anxious.


've met a lot people who got depressed, who incubated low self-esteem because they misplaced their sources of happiness.


've met a lot people who got depressed, who incubated low self-esteem because they misplaced their sources of happiness.


veryone's favorite talking depressed horse will be back again.


"We know that mothers can be depressed and anxious in the postpartum period, but researchers haven't really paid attention to anger," Ou told the University of British Columbia.


A long time of depressed will usually cause severe mental illness,which does great harm to people's daily life.


Among cis students, 43% of women had anxiety and 41% were depressed.


This is what once made me so depressed , that all good things come to an end.


Patients prescribed antidepressants are therefore vulnerable to obesity simply by virtue of being depressed, taking the antidepressant and being part of the UK population where obesity rates are constantly rising.

你知道吗? 常说这些词的人可能患了抑郁症!

Language changes significantly in both content and word choice in people who are depressed, according to a growing body of research using computer programs to analyze speech and writing.


Ignoring playtime A depressed dog won't have the same energy levels that it used to, and its usual playtime and exercise won't excite your pet as much.

双语美文:公开信 致忧伤的你

But I do know that I'm sorry that you're hurting, or stressed, or exhausted, or grieving, or frustrated, or depressed, or lonely, or scared or lost.

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