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安徒生童话英文版:The Neighbouring Families

Out of his box, in which were the most beautiful colours, the old man took a quantity of shining leaf-gold, while the boys had to go and fetch some white of egg, with which the sparrow was to be smeared all over; the gold was stuck on to this, and the sparrow-mother was now gilded all over.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shepherdess and the Sweep

She wore a hat, and carried a crook, that were both gilded, and looked very bright and pretty.

安徒生童话英文版:The Fir Tree

We have seen them standing in the middle of a warm room, and adorned with all sorts of beautiful things,—honey cakes, gilded apples, playthings, and many hundreds of wax tapers.

安徒生童话英文版:The Top and Ball

The top, also, was no longer young; but there came a day when he looked handsomer than ever; for he was gilded all over.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw:Twenty-Eighth Evening

The worms have gnawed the gilded wood, the spider has spun her web from the crown down to the sand, like a mourning banner, frail and transient as the grief of mortals.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Seventeenth Evening

That is not a fairy palace you see before you yonder, but a church: the gilded domes and shining orbs flash back my beams; the glorious bronze horses up yonder have made journeys, like the bronze horse in the fairy tale: they have come hither, and gone hence, and have returned again.

安徒生童话英文版-11 The Little Mermaid

Splendid gilded cupolas rose over the roof, and between the pillars that surrounded the whole building stood life-like statues of marble.

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