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' "'Think of Pedro Johnson,' says Luke, 'a friend of mine and yours shot down by one of these gilded abolitionists at his very door!


And how the light did blaze abroad from the master's bald pate—for the signpainter's boy had gilded it!


Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!


"The past 30 years have seen far greater wealth creation than the Gilded Age," the report reads.

英语散文:The Five Boons of Life

" Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第52期:第四章 艾德 (2)

The wheelhouse in which they had ridden, a huge double-decked carriage of oiled oak and gilded metal pulled by forty heavy draft horses, ,,, was too wide to pass through the castle gate.

冰与火之歌系列之《权力的游戏》第42期:第三章丹尼莉丝 (8)

The girl slid the gilded sandals onto her feet, while the old woman fixed the tiara in her hair, ,, and slid golden bracelets crusted with amethysts around her wrists.


"All that glitters is not gold" "All that glitters is not gold; Often have you heard that told: Many a man his life hath sold But my outside to behold: Gilded tombs do worms enfold.


"We have not witnessed such extreme levels of concentrated wealth and power since the first gilded age a century ago," the report says.


Recipients of this year's £160,000 selection get a three-night stay at the gilded Lost Coast Ranch in north California, worth £17,600, a 10-year supply of oxygenating makeup products (£38,000) and 10 sessions with celebrity trainer Alexis Seletzky (£1,200), so it's not all bad.


It was bad enough that she said at another gilded event in Manhattan last week that half of Mr Trump's supporters were irredeemable racists.


They went up on the forecastle and saw the look-out man standing on a little shelf inside the gilded dragon's neck and peering through its open mouth.


Her prow was gilded and shaped like the head of a dragon with wide-open mouth.


But they are slowly joining the ranks of wealthy Asians, especially in Hong Kong, who have decided to make their mark in a sector dominated by the fortunes of America's gilded age.


Tech companies are notorious for offering job "perks" that function like gilded handcuffs: fancy benefits like free meals and laundry that keep you tied to the office for long hours.


" Three short years went by,and a day came when the man sat shivering in a mean garret;and he was gaunt and wan and hollow-eyed,and clothed in rags;and he was gnawing a dry crust and mumbling:"Curse all the world's gifts for mockeries and gilded lies!


Today's 'bersanding' or enthronement ceremony is usually the highlight of the wedding festivities, and saw the bride and groom seated next to each other, dressed in opulent traditional attire on gilded thrones in the Throne Chamber of the Istana Nural Iman palace.

莘莘学子们 被名校拒绝不可怕

Traveling a more gilded path, she'd arrived at the same destination.


Fellowes is moving on to another period drama, "The Gilded Age," which he is creating for NBC.


IV V Dim moon-eyed fishes near Gaze at the gilded gear And query:"What does this vaingloriousness down here?

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