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Growing momentum With a huge domestic market and healthy GDP growth in the past 10 years, Chinese companies have had little incentive to look for expansion overseas.


The reform also mandates local budgets assume responsibility for registered migrants, potentially providing a further incentive for cities to limit migration.


Where is the matching incentive for men to undertake more unpaid caring labour that takes them out of the workplace?


Madhav Chavan, for instance, found a way to measure the efforts of Indian teachers in terms of actual student learning, creating an incentive for the government to invest not in inputs (the numbers of teachers in the field), but in outcomes — the numbers of literate students.


And, if you need a more incentive, consider a clock that counts down your remaining life and reminds you to make the best of what time you have left.


We all have our own limitations, but as long as we can remind ourselves that we're not stuck, we have incentive to stay motivated.


But some sarcastically suggest that - as with some unscrupulous taxi drivers - the meters might provide an incentive to take the long way round.


Not seeing the food might have decreased its incentive value.


The incentive structures of many companies are to minimise risk rather than maximise opportunity.


Some analysts said the move will be an incentive for home buyers to make better use of the fund, thereby, helping house sales and reducing inventories, while others noted its role will be limited.


Not seeing the food might have decreased its incentive value.


That way, there will be more of an incentive to get out earlier.


In other experiments, incentive payments have been shown to be modestly successful at helping smokers to give up.


My main incentive for maintaining Pryme became to silence the constant nag of push notifications that arrived whenever I was short of my goal.


They say they are saving a significant amount on security by removing the incentive for bank robberies.


Putting on more weight than a close friend or sister was the main incentive for trying to shed a few pounds.


Automakers have the same incentive to shop around for lenient testing companies that bond issuers have long had to shop around for the credit rating agency that would give them the highest credit rating.


CVS, which helped conduct the study, is using the findings to design a smoking cessation incentive next month for its more than 200,000 employees.


The bottom line is this: Incentive pay is an effective tool in situations where performance can be fairly measured and where it is based largely on individual effort.


To "dangle a carrot" before someone is to encourage them with an incentive.

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