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But scientists argue that changing moods – as seen in sulking teenagers, grumpy spouses, or bad-tempered parents - serve an important purpose.


Connect with spouses before you are tired from the day's activities 8.


Dr Laura Cobb, who led the study at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, said: 'Normal weight people whose spouses went from being normal weight to obese were more likely to become obese.


In those relatively carefree months, he said, "people are no longer cooped up under the same roof, the kids are away at camp, so the arguments between spouses rarely reach Level 7, the red zone.


Spouses who deal with serious relationshipproblems by being kind to each other instead of critical report feeling betterabout their relationships in the moment, but over time they become lesssatisfied relative to spouses who were more critical.


It means jealous spouses will now be able to keep tabs on their significant other - that is, if their partner actually agrees on wearing one.


Or, he suggested, men may be deterred from hiring them over fear of a backlash from their spouses.


As a result, spouses have taken on roles as companions and confidants, particularly those who are financially stable, as the economists Betsey Stevenson and Justin Wolfers have discussed.


More women than ever are in the workforce, they are starting business at twice the rate of men, and about a third of working women earn more than their spouses.

囧研究 矮个男子婚姻更持久

The latest study Drawing on two different cohorts from the Panel Study of Income Dynamics, the authors show that short, average, and tall men's spouses are qualitatively different from one another.


' We are tied to our family by blood and our spouses by law, so we are often more attentive to those relationships.


We can lose our jobs, but be grateful for our spouses.


They quizzed all the spouses independently over four years.


People with the most social connections -- friends, spouses, neighbors, relatives -- were also the happiest, the data showed.


, 、, ,、、: Your Excellency State Councilor Dai Bingguo, Your Excellencies Diplomatic Envoys, Representatives of International Organizations and Your Spouses, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends, ,.

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