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安徒生童话英文版:The Girl Who Trod on the Loaf

As the eyes of the old woman closed to earth, the eyes of the soul opened upon the hidden things of eternity, and then she, in whose last thoughts Inge had been so vividly present, saw how deeply the poor girl had sunk.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

Every good deed that had been done for her, every loving word that had been said, were vividly before her mind.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old Bachelor’s Nightcap

How vividly were represented to him, in a glittering tear that rolled down his cheek, two children at play—a boy and a girl.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old Grave-Stone

The old woman died first; that day is still quite vividly before my eyes.

The Bottle Neck

"I still remember the day as vividly as yesterday.

安徒生童话英文版:What the Moon Saw-Seventh Evening

' She herself could not understand the feeling that swept through her, but I know that this minute, and the beautiful natural scene, will live within her memory for years, far more vividly and more truly than the painter could portray it with his colours on paper.


We see this vividly at the Commonwealth Games, for example, which is known to many as the Friendly Games and where I am sure you have noticed that it is always the competitors from the smallest countries who receive the loudest cheers.


I remember, personally, vividly, the day of September 11, 2001.

As a Man Soweth

I vividly remember our very last dinner together before she went into the convalescent hospital.

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