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" Based on a popular Chinese novel, Wolf Totem tells of a young man's obsession with wolf packs in the Inner Mongolia grasslands.


"A new species is born: homo globalis -global man -and we are defined by our intimate connection to the global infotainment network, which has turned ranking and rating people on scales of wealth and celebrity into an obsession.


The solid red-brick buildings here, not all of which are open to the public, epitomize the Georgian (and after the Revolution, Federalist) obsession with balance and symmetry.


Your obsession with getting your kid into an Ivy or Ivy-lookalike is "warped" and—given a largely fixed system—likely hopeless, concludes New York Times columnist Frank Bruni.


Most develop an obsession for the game within a couple of years of learning to talk; Carlsen was eight by the time he finally came around to it.

苹果爆猛料 机身将变厚存玫瑰金版

pple's recent obsession with gold-colored versions of its products is indeed a response to preferences in China.


Apple's recent obsession with gold-colored versions of its products is indeed a response to preferences in China.

平时多吃红肉 真的不健康吗

This is, in part, a result of our obsession with avoiding fats and red meat.


" She describes her collecting as a 'labour of love' and says every day is dominated by her royal obsession.


Virtual world brings greater emptiness, so the more people obsession with computers the more loneness they will feel.

莘莘学子们 被名校拒绝不可怕

That they felt compelled to write it says as much about our society's warped obsession with elite colleges as it does about the Levins' warmth, wisdom and generosity.

《纸牌屋3》 繁华终归平淡时

Doug Stamper isn't that interesting a man, so it's hard to understand why so much time is spent on him and his obsession with a long lost love interest.


Who cares if the decree was issued under fascism and driven by Benito Mussolini's obsession with banning words like "cocktail" and "sandwich"?


At the end of the 19th century its narrative of obsession, murder and hedonism offended Victorian society, with critics dubbing The Picture of Dorian Grey everything from "effeminate" to "unclean".


And when the pursuit of our heart's desire becomes an obsession.


one of the country's most eminent brain scientists warned that an obsession with social networking sites and computer games may be changing the way people's minds work.


Philosophy-based courses would help executives overcome their obsession with status symbols.

马云再次风靡全球 世界最大公司的掌舵人

Gradually, his obsession turned into a vision.


IMMORTALITY is an age-old obsession.

Hello Kitty40周年:风靡世界原因何在?

Perhaps it is because the western democracies in the past decade have encountered problems similar to those Japan has faced since the 90s: deflation, more work for less pay, an ageing demographic and an unhealthy obsession with youth.

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