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Just use direct terms: You know an investor is pulling out of the project, and here's why; or you have facts to support your conclusion on a new marketing plan.


They are also the founders of 3G Capital , the Brazilian private equity group which has been buying up US food companies such as Heinz, Kraft and Burger King sometimes with the support of investor Warren Buffett.


Early-stage investor First Round Capital has published the findings of a review of its first 10 years.


Mr Kalanick, speaking at Baidu World, an annual forum hosted by Uber's largest Chinese investor, Baidu, emphasised the subtle evolution in the US group's strategy in an effort to cozy up to Beijing.


He eventually made a fortune as an investor during the Civil War, including a single $40,000 investment in the oil-rich Story Farm, which earned him $1 million in dividends by the end of the year.


I recently received an e-mail from the motivational speaker and real estate investor Paul LeJoy.


billionaires or their families pledged on Wednesday to give over half of their money to charity, according to a philanthropy drive organized by Microsoft nfounder Bill Gates and legendary investor Warren Buffett.


" After one of the largest private fund-raising rounds completed by a start-up, Didi Kuaidi's ability to attract money shows that investor enthusiasm for popular and fast-growing Chinese start-ups remains unquenched, despite the recent downturn in the markets.


Launched earlier this month but not widely publicized, the scheme's investment requirements easily top the existing two-year-old Significant Investor Visa (SIV) program, which asks for a A$5 million commitment and has been especially popular with Chinese migrants.


While her husband was once the principal investor, he exited after an outside investor took over.


The stock market has become a giant zero-sum game in which one investor gains what another investor loses.


Mr Almond said the sheer volume of investor demand was "driving a disconnect between pricing and fundamentals".


Analysts last week descended on Yum Brands in Shanghai with a volley of tough questions after billionaire investor Dan Loebsuggested the US fast-food chain consider hiving off its Chinese operations.


" China's qualified foreign institutional investor scheme — QFII, pronounced "kew-fie" — has been in place for more than a decade with few significant changes to its structure apart from a gradual increase of total approvals, which were standing at $72bn in late March.

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But by the end of the first day of trading, a lot of the future upside was already priced into the stock," said Bill Bishop, an independent technology investor and editor of the Sinocism China Newsletter.


Except it turns out that somebody thought it would be a good idea to release this information early, on the technology-led Nasdaq-run investor relations page for Twitter.


"People are fighting over the market," said one leading tech investor.


For instance, yesterday the dean of our department, on his way to the teaching building for an emergent meeting with an important investor, fell to the ground and got very dirty.


Companies from India, South Korea and Hong Kong have also turned to euro debt as they look to lower funding costs and diversify their investor base.


O|Opening up China became a net foreign investor for the first time in 2014.

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