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That is, a call-in line can help reduce feelings of loneliness temporarily, but is not likely to reduce levels of chronic loneliness.


Fruits and vegetables All fruits and vegetables, due to their rich nutrient and fiber content, help to combat chronic inflammation, so make sure to include adequate amounts of these foods daily.


Eating citrus fruit could head off chronic diseases that are related to obesity, a growing health problem in many parts of the world, according to a new study.

肥胖更易致癌 而且不止一种

" Obesity is associated with significant metabolic and hormone abnormalities, and with chronic inflammation, factors that may help explain its link to cancer.


Chinese scientists have defined a subset of a type of virus-specific cells that could pave the way for new ways to treat chronic diseases like HIV/AIDS and cancer, Xinhua News Agency reported last Saturday.


They are not meant for battling serious and chronic insomnia.


Oral rehydration solutions are specifically formulated to combat serious dehydration such as that resulting from chronic diarrhea.


, Because chronic high heel wearing can shorten your Achilles tendon, podiatrists suggest doing simple stretches and exercises to combat any damage to your feet.


Depression can be chronic but midlife crises are often one-offs.


Complaints include neurological symptoms like chronic headaches and musculoskeletal problems like neck and back pain.


In the study, subjects trained themselves to focus on physical sensations from certain parts of their bodies, leading researchers to believe that people who suffer from chronic conditions could be able to train themselves to "turn down the volume" on pain.

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On the other hand, during 2009 and 2013, the size of the fur farming industry increased by 30-40 percent every year, according to the China Leather Industry Association, which resulted in chronic oversupply.

减肥后体重反弹 不是你的错

The hope is that this work will eventually lead to new therapies that treat obesity as a chronic disease and can help keep weight under control for life.

长相气质好的人 不容易生病?

They also had a reduced number of chronic disease diagnoses, of psychological disorders and ofdisease diagnoses overall.


Research suggests that chronic boredom is responsible for a profusion of negative outcomes such as overeating, gambling, truancy, antisocialbehaviour, drug use, accidents, risk taking and much more.


Another Pew study found that even when controlling for all other factors, individuals living with chronic diseases and disabilities are significantly less likely to go online.


"We know that exercise protects against obesity and chronic diseases.


Next, Liu and his team planned to conduct new randomized controlled trials to confirm the effect of different types of traditional Chinese exercises on chronic diseases.


Lack of sleep can also make you put on weight Chronic sleep debt may lead to long-term mood disorders like depression and anxiety.


They are important to the physical rehabilitation of patients with chronic injuries and help with pain management to people who have experienced physical trauma.

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