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Everyone wanted to be around him and he relished admiration from others.


Leaders thrive on risk, think long term and dislike structure; they provoke strong emotions in followers: love and hate, admiration and resentment.


Eight-year-old Dolan once wrote a letter to US actor Leonardo DiCaprio to express his admiration and to relay his wish to act together with him.


China's admiration of outstanding scholars has turned the well-preserved childhood home of TuYouyou, the Chinese pharmacologist who won this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine,into a popular tourist destination.


I have always been a great believer that women should support women, and my admiration goes out to mothers everywhere, as they constantly put their own needs behind those of their children, embracing daily uncertainties and entering the new uncharted territories that each day brings, to be, in return, rewarded with joy and unending love.

阿里巴巴换帅 张勇接替陆兆禧任CEO

Within Alibaba, there is admiration for Mr.


His goldenhair,stately manner and air all combined to make him the admiration of the world.


Government censors have permitted the 104-minute film to stream on major internet portals while Chen Jining, environmental protection minister, said on Sunday he had texted Ms Chai to thank her for a film "worthy of admiration".


You had more admiration for other couples than you did yourself .

从二次元到三次元 聊聊弹幕那些事儿

Websites such as AcFun and Bilibili themselves became the subjects of affection and admiration.


for centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world.

嫉妒的正能量 如何欣赏别人的成功

Transform comparison into celebration Admiration and envy are responses that point us toward what we value most.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(7)

He was dizzy for a moment, then he gathered himself up and limped over and sat down by his wife and beamed his old-time admiration and affection upon her in floods, out of his bleary eyes.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(5)

What showed upon the surface was a serene and lofty contentment and a dignity of carriage and gravity of deportment which compelled the admiration and likewise the wonder of the company.

三万元遗产 The $30,000 Bequest(4)

" Then, with feeling and admiration, "And yet, when it comes to judiciousness in watering a stock or putting up a hand to skin Wall Street I don't give in that YOU need any outside amateur help, if I do wish I--" "Oh, DO shut up!

狗的自述 A Dog's Tale(1)

When she told the meaning of a big word they were all so taken up with admiration that it never occurred to any dog to doubt if it was the right one; and that was natural, because, for one thing, she answered up so promptly that it seemed like a dictionary speaking, and for another thing, where could they find out whether it was right or not?


Having prepared for two days, I had no doubt to hold their attention and to impress on them my admiration for the literature.


AII the people applauded for his courage with great sense of admiration.


" So they sent for the third girl to see if she would marry King Crin She was obviously quite happy to do so On his wedding night, as usual, King Crin went out to wallow, then ran back inside all muddy to caress his wife She responded with caresses of her own and dried him off with fine linen handkerchiefs, murmuring, "My handsome Crin, my darling Crin, I love you so" King Crin was overjoyed Next morning at the court everybody expected to hear that the third bride had been found dead, but


Throughout life, we rely on small groups of people for love, admiration, respect, moral support and help.

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