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A day that is celebrated annually to raise awareness about our home planet and how we can save and protect it from recurring damage.


We supported each other through the unknown and celebrated the unexpected opportunities which came our way.


We supported each other through the unknown and celebrated the unexpected opportunities which came our way.


In 2008, economists Lorenzo Pecchi and Gustavo Piga edited a book in which celebrated economists pondered Keynes's essay.


In the morning, a helicopter landed on Fiordland's front lawn and whisked us over the lake and up the mountain to the Luxmore Hut, a mountain refuge 1,085m above sea level and one of the stopovers on the celebrated Kepler Track walking route.


In a celebrated study in 1973 conducted by Mark Lepper, David Greene and Richard Nisbett, some pre-school children were promised sparkly certificates as a reward for drawing with special felt-tip pens.

不变的春节 渐变的年俗

Spring Festival, as it is celebrated today, has undergone many changes, thanks to the country's economic development and globalization.


A celebrated photographer has sold a picture of an Irish potato for €1m.


Burrows helmed numerous episodes of the program and has just celebrated directing his 1,000th TV program.


In some areas people think the Winter Solstice should be celebrated as grandly as the New Year.

若让我停下 将会生锈

The celebrated mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have published a mathematical dictionary, never have found the key to science of mathematics, if he had given his spare moments to idleness, had the little Scotch lad, Ferguson, allowed the busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of calculating the position of the stars by a string of beads, he would never have become a famous astronomer.

中国历史名人:Mao Dun茅盾

His celebrated full-length novels included Rainbow, Midnight and Corrosion.


One of the most celebrated designers of our time never wears his own designs.


That night we celebrated over margaritas and Southwestern fare, each of us gazing at the faces around the table as we wondered, who would have thought the bonds of childhood could last this long?


It was in this kind of forty years that I went from a far-away border-town kid who had no possibility of having a dream, to a newsman who could be at a big festival celebrated with all of humanity and who could communicate and share the happiness with them.


But in celebrity circles, the summer of 2015 may be remembered as a buzz saw for famous lovers: a grim season that sliced several of Hollywood's most celebrated couples in half.


The fabulous find, named Homo naledi, has rightly been celebrated for both the number of fossils and their completeness.


As Mid-Autumn Festival approaches-this year celebrated on Sept 27-bookings for moon-viewing flights have soared, according to a travel service provider.


Here was perhaps the world's most celebrated living painter.


Silicon Valley is celebrated for its dense networks of funders and entrepreneurs.

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