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Agility As the work landscape shifts, learning to be agile is a critical skill, as yesterday's solutions do not solve tomorrow's problems.


Social contact, better physical fitness, and greater mental agility are the key factors.


" 'Emotional Agility' 《》 "One psychological exercise you might like to try is writing a letter to your future self.


Compared to their competitors, great workplaces win when it comes to revenue growth, employee retention, productivity, innovation, resilience, agility, customer service, employee engagement, and more ,,"".


WALK ALONG THE BEACH The sand helps provide additional resistance for the muscles in your lower body, helping you gain strength while improving your balance and agility.


This does highlight the limits of agility: we need to have some parameters, a recognition that shutting the office door behind you and turning off your email is a necessary discipline for employees.


BLACKCURRANTS They might be small but blackcurrants are packed full of Vitamin C, which is thought to have the power to increase mental agility and protect against age-related brain degeneration including dementia and Alzheimer's.


Then he raced through the Maze with greater strength and agility.


In 2009, it dismissed nine hostesses for being "overweight" on safety grouds saying their shape could "impair agility".


They were alert and suspicious animals and ran about with agility.


With his speed, agility and power, he has conquered lots of other great boxers of the twenty first century.


He navigates the world by way of a sort of mystical sonar, listening in on people's heartbeats to tell if they're lying and using his gift to augment his balance and agility to superhuman levels.


Here are three massive cultural wins IT can deliver today: IT: Agility through curiosity The ability to rapidly provision computing resources from the cloud has changed the way companies look at new projects.


The XXX star combines old-school bodybuilding techniques with fight training and free running for agility.


As the world's population tops 7 billion, and soon 8 and 9, it's becoming clear that the best performing organizations, and perhaps countries, will be less defined by absolute size and more defined by the speed and agility that comes from clarity of purpose, strategic insight and decisive action.


The only device we have that can match them in aerial agility is the helicopter, and that's got nothing on them for nectar-drinking ability.


He jumped from ticker to 'phone, from desk to door with the trained agility of a harlequin.

一千零一夜:Fifth Voyage

The crowns of the cocoa-palms were all alive with monkeys, big and little, which skipped from one to the other with surprising agility, seeming to be curious about us and disturbed at our appearance, and I was at first surprised when my companions after collecting stones began to throw them at the lively creatures, which seemed to me quite harmless.

一千零一夜:Third Voyage

Chattering meanwhile in a language we could not understand, and clutching at ropes and gangways, they swarmed up the ship's side with such speed and agility that they almost seemed to fly.

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