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双语美文:十二个问题 你幸福吗

Make sure that you are living in alignment with what matters most to you.


While the entire design and engineering of planes is done to ensure passenger safety, this does not extend to seat alignment.


While the entire design and engineering of planes is done to ensure passenger safety, this does not extend to seat alignment.

万物简史 第27期:走进太阳系(5)

Whereas the other planets orbit on more or less the same plane, , Pluto's orbital path is tipped (as it were) out of alignment at an angle of seventeen degrees, (),,17, like the brim of a hat tilted rakishly on someone's head.


The discovery required the fortuitous alignment of a massive galactic cluster.


While the entire design and engineering of planes is done to ensure passenger safety, this does not extend to seat alignment.


,,,: *Knees only slightly bent *Small pillow between the knees to keep the spine in a more favorable and stable alignment *Hug a pillow between your arms None of our experts offered an opinion as to what this position may mean about your personality; however, if you adopt it even for a night, it means you're open to learning from others.


As long as this close alignment of interest between company and state continues, the way looks clear.


Make sure that you are living in alignment with what matters most to you.


You may need to add a pillow between your legs to keep your hips in alignment while you sleep, too.


An upright position puts the discs in your lower back in proper alignment and minimizes the pressure they endure.


" The report made a number of recommendations, including the establishment of a "strategic policy/research hub" to "collate existing research, prioritise future research needs and help improve the alignment between research and policy".


Make sure that you are living in alignment with what matters most to you.


Have Integrity Integrity, as I see it, is the alignment between your thoughts, your words and your actions.


The uniform alignment of the flowers does result from heliotropism in an earlier development stage, the bud stage, before the appearance of flower heads so technically they follow the sun before they have bloomed, not after.


Getting disagreements on the table make it possible to challenge a problem and gain alignment – without this, teams can't move forward in the same direction.

Yoga For a Beginner

It is important to maintain proper body alignment.


WHEEL ALIGNMENT: Drive your car across an empty, flat parking lot with hands off wheel.


When you procrastinate you want to do something but you don't take the action that is in alignment with that thought.

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