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" He objected to the rather free style of anecdote in which Dr.


She was evidently a copious talker, and now poured forth a breathless stream of anecdote and comment.


" Still snuffling, pleading, and reluctant, Mole suffered himself to be dragged back along the road by his imperious companion, who by a flow of cheerful talk and anecdote endeavoured to beguile his spirits back and make the weary way seem shorter.

迷人四月天:Chapter 3

Fisher's very abstractedness—and she seemed to be absorbed chiefly in the interesting people she used to know and in their memorial photographs, and quite a good part of the interview was taken up by reminiscent anecdote of Carlyle, Meredith, Matthew Arnold, Tennyson, and a host of others—her very abstractedness was a recommendation.


He had often some gay or cunning little anecdote of the wood folk to tell them.


One of my favorite parts of dating is a charming "how we met" anecdote.


Presumably it was worth grumbling about more than this picky lady's anecdote.


Even if you're talking to a friend about something as simple as the weather, you'll find a way to weave an anecdote about this person in, just because they're all you can think about.


This had happened to one debater's friend in real life - the anecdote swung the audience.


He wrote: 'Watching "Lady Bird" is like flipping through a high school yearbook with an old friend, with each page leading to another anecdote, another sweet-and-sour memory.


Laugh often Laughter is the most powerful anecdote to anger or depression.


Throughout the meal I tried hard to be agreeable; he sat there taciturn, looking catatonic and mildly incredulous as I plied him with question and anecdote.


" One of Google's management mantras is to create an environment where smart, creative employees are free to push company-wide changes, and this anecdote shows how that idea can actually play out.


This may be an underestimate for directors and executives, if anecdote is reliable.


Anecdote of the Jar by Wallace Stevens :.


If your boss asked you to learn every major client's name in one morning and you did it, share that anecdote.


In her study of creativity published in the July/August 2014 edition of the Atlantic, Nancy Andreasen related a memorable anecdote from Nasar's book.


Laughter is the most powerful anecdote to anger or depression.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 08

On our little walk along the quays, he made himself the most interesting companion, telling me about the different ships that we passed by, their rig, tonnage, and nationality, explaining the work that was going forward--how one was discharging, another taking in cargo, and a third making ready for sea--and every now and then telling me some little anecdote of ships or seamen or repeating a nautical phrase till I had learned it perfectly.

安徒生童话英文版:The Porter’s Son

He had an anecdote that he told about those days, the only one he knew.

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